Early onset scoliosis. Instructional course


  • Norman Ramírez Hospital de la Concepción. San German, Puerto Rico
  • Lenny Rivera-Rosario Ponce Health Sciences University. Ponce, Puerto Rico
  • Ricardo L. Restrepo Clínica del Country. Bogotá, Colombia
  • Alejandro Cuneo Hospital Pereira Rossell. Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Claudio A. Fernández Hospital de Niños Sor María Ludovico
  • Pablo Marrero- Ortiz Universidad de Puerto Rico. San Juan, Puerto Rico




early onset, scoliosis


Background: Early onset scoliosis presents before the age of 10 years old due to congenital structural anomalies of the thorax, neuromuscular diseases, and syndromes, or is idiopathic.
Methods: A review of the literature from 2003 to 2018 on the early onset scoliosis.
Result: A deformity of the spine at an early age limits lung development and proper respiratory function, thereby provoking the onset of a thoracic insufficiency syndrome. Historically, the natural path of this condition can be lethal, and the damage caused by the early onset scoliosis tends to be permanent, regardless of its restoration after the age of 10. The early onset scoliosis classification is currently based on the age, aetiology, and the extent of the deformity. The treatment modalities most often used are: serial casts, vertical expandable prosthetic titanium ribs, double traditional growing rods, ShillaTM growing rods, and magnetically controlled growing rods.
Discussion: Undoubtedly, it is imperative to know its manifestations and peculiarities in order to classify the disease, as well as to monitor the disease. Treatment should be personalised, and the deterioration of the spine halted as soon as possible, as well as to prevent respiratory insufficiency
Level of evidence: IV


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Author Biographies

Norman Ramírez, Hospital de la Concepción. San German, Puerto Rico

Ortopedista Pediátrico, Hospital de la Concepción, San German, Puerto Rico.

Lenny Rivera-Rosario, Ponce Health Sciences University. Ponce, Puerto Rico

Ponce School of Medicine, Ponce Health Sciences University, Ponce, Puerto Rico.

Ricardo L. Restrepo, Clínica del Country. Bogotá, Colombia

Ortopedista, Cirujano de columna. Fundación Cardio-Infantil, Clínica del Country, Bogotá, Colombia.

Alejandro Cuneo, Hospital Pereira Rossell. Montevideo, Uruguay

Departamento de Ortopedia y Traumatología Pediátrica, Hospital Pereira Rossell, Montevideo, Uruguay.

Claudio A. Fernández, Hospital de Niños Sor María Ludovico

Jefe de Servicio Hospital de Niños Sor María Ludovico, Profesor Adjunto Ortopedia y Traumatología, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina.

Pablo Marrero- Ortiz, Universidad de Puerto Rico. San Juan, Puerto Rico

Ortopedista Pediátrico. Catedrático Asociado, Escuela Medicina. Universidad de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


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How to Cite

Ramírez N, Rivera-Rosario L, Restrepo RL, Cuneo A, Fernández CA, Marrero- Ortiz P. Early onset scoliosis. Instructional course. Rev. colomb. ortop traumatol. [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 18 [cited 2024 May 18];34(2):167-76. Available from: https://revistasccot.org/index.php/rccot/article/view/271



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