Peer review policy

Articles submitted to the Revista Colombiana de Ortopedia y Traumatología  must strictly comply with all the requirements established (both in terms of form and contents) for each type of article in our Guidelines for Authors.

The evaluation template, which varies depending on the type of article, will be sent directly to the peer reviewer with the invitation to peer review.

Along with the formal aspects, peer reviewers must evaluate the clarity of the contents of the article and its relevance to the scientific community and, based on this, decide whether the work should be published in a scientific journal. Peer reviewers must fill in each item of the evaluation form, make comments, and decide whether the submission should be accepted without modifications, conditionally accepted (minor or major changes), or rejected.

Finally, in order to improve the quality of the article, peer reviewers may make comments on the blind version of the article, as well as on the evaluation form.

Peer reviewers can be Colombian or from other countries.