Flexor tendon A2 pulley rupture after trigger finger surgery: Case report and literature review


  • Jaime Alberto Londoño Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe. Medellín, Colombia
  • Luis Felipe Náquira Escobar Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe. Medellín, Colombia
  • María del Pilar Duque Orozco Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Medellín, Colombia




trigger finger, disorder/complications, tendons/surgery, fingers/surgery, biomechanical phenomena, case reports


A 2 and A 4 pulleys are the most important biomechanical structures for the fingers flexor apparatus. A 2 pulley injuries originate clinical and functional distress not only to the finger itself but also to the hand as a whole. Hereby, we present a case report of two previously trigger finger patients who underwent to a release surgery and presented bowstring complications after the surgery, as well as a literature review on diagnosis and treatment of this kind of complication.
Evidence level: IV


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Author Biographies

Jaime Alberto Londoño, Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe. Medellín, Colombia

Ortopedista y traumatólogo, especialista en cirugía de mano, Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, Medellín, Colombia.

Luis Felipe Náquira Escobar, Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe. Medellín, Colombia

Ortopedista y traumatólogo, especialista en cirugía de mano, Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, Medellín, Colombia.

María del Pilar Duque Orozco, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Medellín, Colombia

Residente de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Londoño JA, Náquira Escobar LF, Duque Orozco M del P. Flexor tendon A2 pulley rupture after trigger finger surgery: Case report and literature review. Rev. colomb. ortop traumatol. [Internet]. 2015 May 26 [cited 2024 May 14];28(3):120-7. Available from: https://revistasccot.org/index.php/rccot/article/view/450



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